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We BEL13VE in paralysis recovery


Our foundation is leading a transformation of paralysis recovery in North America by advancing clinical trials using spinal stimulation treatment for people living with chronic paralysis from an injury to their spinal cord.

Our current clinical trials are led by SpineX, a pre-revenue MedTech company committed to delivering technologies that improve the lives of people living with neurological conditions. SpineX is co-founded by Dr. Reggie Edgerton, the world’s foremost expert and pioneer in the fields of spinal neuromodulation and spinal stimulation treatment for paralysis recovery.

Spinal stimulation can be delivered using a variety of treatment methods. The two most common are epidural and transcutaneous. Epidural treatment uses a surgically implanted stimulation array placed directly on the dura sheath of the spinal cord. Transcutaneous is a non-invasive treatment that delivers stimulation through electrodes placed on the skin directly over the spinal column.

Spinal stimulation treatment works. It has demonstrated amazing results in more than 100 patients in dozens of clinical research studies published in medical journals since 2011.

There are more than 300,000 Americans living with paralysis. Every 29 minutes, someone else experiences a spinal cord injury resulting in paralysis. All of them are waiting for recovery.

The next step to make spinal stimulation treatment available to everyone waiting is an FDA Pivotal Trial. It’s the last trial required before the FDA will approve any new medical treatment for use in the clinic. If it passes, then spinal stimulation treatment using SpineX’s SCONE device will become the FIRST paralysis recovery treatment ever approved by the FDA.

That means we can get the SCONE paralysis recovery treatment to those who are waiting.

The pivotal trial has already started. We need to raise $1 million more to complete the study. Your gift today will help us complete the funding for this important pivotal trial so that spinal stimulation will be available to everyone living with paralysis.

Dr. Reggie Edgerton

It’s so easy to be so optimistic about what is going to be possible in the near future.

Reggie Edgerton, Co-Founder and CSO/Director, SpineX
Pioneer of Spinal Electrical Stimulation